Creating is an adventure. When the going gets rough, what do we tend to do?

We want to pull our heads in and run back to what appears to be safety. Just like in the movie, “The Lord of the Rings” we want to be like the hobbits and run back to the shire, where it’s familiar and “seems to be” warm, cozy and safe.

You’ve got to establish that you are on an adventure. Life is an amazing adventure and you are partaking in this. Life has all kinds of things with it including tension, discomfort, delight and it takes “Will” to get the end results you want.

Tension always seeks resolution. The power lies in naming your identity and making a choice in favor of your heart. When you name your stuff and embrace your fears you bring your tension to a resolution, thereby short circuiting the dysfunctional resolution of your beliefs. On top of that, when you introduce a vision of a true end result you establish a more functional, meaningful, joyful tension-resolution system. That is what raising your vibration is about. It’s about being a conscious creator.

It’s time to have a new focus.  Be 100% focused on reclaiming your will!

Will is everything in creating.

Will is like the sword. The sword represents your will. To live outside the shire, the boundary of your Ego, you need a sword. You need to develop and use your will and hold onto your will.

It may get a little rough when you’re in your life adventure.

Have you ever been White Water Rafting?

When you go white water rafting things are constantly changing. You have 6 – 8 people in a raft and you’ve got life jackets on and a helmet and you have a paddle and when you first get in the water flow is pretty smooth and easy as you start off and then there are patches where the water level builds up and you have to paddle hard to keep away from rocks or go with the flow of the water and sometimes you go over the edge of a waterfall and flip the boat backwards and everyone falls in and other times you’re in a shallow area and everyone gets out of the raft and carries it, and there are times when someone falls into the water and you all paddle like hell to get back to the person and pull them back onto the raft.

It’s an adventure! Life is like white water rafting. You never know exactly what’s going to be coming up around the bend and you get to be in the adventure. When you’re white water rafting you are in it, it’s all happening in the now, you’re present in the moment  and you’re constantly using your will. There is also embracing the vulnerability that you might not get the outcome you want and you choose to go for it anyway.

When someone bashes you on the head with their paddle do you want to turn around, get up and smack them across the head with your paddle or do you instead focus on what’s directly in front of you and laugh it off. The reality is they’re paddling, just like you to keep the raft moving in the direction of the outcome you want. It doesn’t mean anything. It’s part of the adventure.

You’re going to get splashed, you’re going to make mistakes, you are going to end up in the water, you’re going to be swimming and you’ll definitely end up getting wet.

It’s called life. You have no idea how it’s going to happen or when it’s going to happen. You just know it’s inevitable and it’s happening and if you have the intention that “My life is an amazing adventure!” Then that is what you’ll create!

It’s time to be more proactive and choose to use your will now and in the future.

Become more self-aware. Are you identifying with how great you are or are you identifying with how crap you are. Use your will instead to focus on the outcome you want. And yes celebrate your wins!

In your daily life, pay attention to where you know you’re being triggered, where you have a “charge” on something. It’s not real.

Don’t get side tracked by your emotions. Yes they “seem” real. Your Ego and your reactions to your beliefs are stirring you up. Use your will, be able to simply sit in the tension, the discomfort. It doesn’t mean anything and it will dissipate.

If you’re stuck, recognize you’re simply in the wrong structure. You’re in your Egoic structure not your Creative structure. Use your will to change structures by choosing to focus on the end result you’d love instead.

Be willing to be vulnerable. Vulnerability is the bridge to your new foundation of putting yourself back into your creative orientation.

Using your will is a practice that you get to develop and be aware of each and every day and become unconsciously competent at it.

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